Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE): Energizing Efficiency Through Web Innovation






WordPress Site Design & Development


The Alliance for an Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE) stands at the forefront of driving energy efficiency in India. With a mission to raise awareness and support evidence-based energy efficiency policies, AEEE leverages its website, designed and developed by EbizON on WordPress CMS, as a pivotal tool in its advocacy and market enabling efforts.

Project Overview

AEEE’s website serves as a central hub for information dissemination, membership engagement, and the promotion of energy efficiency across various sectors. The challenge was to create a platform that not only facilitates these functions but does so in an accessible, efficient, and user-friendly manner.


  • To provide a comprehensive online resource on energy efficiency.
  • To facilitate membership registration and engagement.
  • To promote and provide information on events and publications.
  • To enhance brand visibility and establish partnerships.


  • Information Dissemination: Effectively organizing and presenting a wide array of information on energy efficiency policies, research, and sectoral focus areas.
  • User Engagement: Creating an engaging user experience that encourages membership sign-up and participation in events.
  • Performance and Security: Ensuring the website is fast, reliable, and secure, given the critical nature of the information and the online transactions for memberships and event registrations.

Facing a Challenge?

Solutions Implemented

  • WordPress CMS: Leveraging WordPress for its flexibility and robustness, enabling easy content management and updates by AEEE staff without extensive technical knowledge.
  • Custom Design and Functionality: Developing a clean, navigable, and responsive design that aligns with AEEE’s branding and mission. Custom functionalities were implemented to manage memberships, events, and publications effectively.
  • Security and Performance Optimization: Utilizing tools like ManageWP, as highlighted in the case of WP Site Care, to enhance operational efficiency, ensure security, and facilitate the timely update of content and WordPress features.


  • Enhanced User Experience: The website’s design and functionality improvements have significantly enhanced the user experience, making it easier for visitors to access information, register for memberships, and engage with AEEE’s initiatives.
  • Increased Engagement and Membership: The streamlined membership process and improved visibility of benefits have led to an increase in AEEE membership, expanding the network of professionals committed to energy efficiency.
  • Operational Efficiency: With the integration of management tools like ManageWP, AEEE has seen a notable improvement in website maintenance efficiency, including easier updates and security management, paralleling the benefits experienced by WP Site Care.


The redevelopment of “” by EbizON has transformed the website into a dynamic platform that effectively supports AEEE’s mission. Through strategic design and development choices, the website now stands as a testament to how digital tools can amplify the impact of advocacy and market enabling efforts in the energy efficiency sector.

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