How to Increase Affiliate Sales With Web Push Notifications!

Why miss an opportunity to make more money?

Being Affiliate Marketing experts, I’m sure you’ll be well equipped with tools and tactics for your marketplace.

But what do you do when you’ve written a blog post on sports shoes and then get to know that you’ll get higher commissions on mobile phones?

This is the question I’ve been asking all my clients in this industry lately. But somehow the only answers I got were – ‘Write another blog post’, ‘Stick to my own product’, ‘Advertise phones on my sports blog’.

If you had the same answers in your mind, then trust me, I got a better solution for you:


What are they?

Push notifications in simple words are clickable messages, which can reach out to your users on their browsers or mobiles, even when they are not active on your website/app at that moment. They might sound ordinary but can do wonders for you..

How do push notifications work?

They work in a manner similar to email subscriptions but the difference is that the user does not have to enter any sensitive data like name, email ID, etc. This is what makes push so unique.

The user has to click on the Allow button and voila! Regular updates are on their way.

You can now send clickable messages that are not only automated but also segmented.

Does it work in my browser?

We’ve covered most of the top ones. But don’t worry if your visitors are present on some other browsers, we are pretty quick with updates.

PushFlew’s push notifications work smoothly on Chrome, Firefox and Safari for desktop(Windows and Mac), on Android for mobiles and on Shopify, Magento, Wordpress and Drupal for stores.

Only the visitors via these platforms can view your notifications.

Should I use push notifications?

Well, do you want to make more money from your existing traffic? If yes, then you are sure to fall in love with push!

Push notifications are not really a substitute for emails but rather improve the reach and the conversion level of your emails even more.

As a push notification is delivered instantly to your users’ personal device, the chances of being discovered are even more.”

Email vs Web Push: The easy battle

Having an online business, I’m sure you’ll already be using some or the other email services. But let’s try to see why do I favor push over emails.

  • Opt-in rate

Pushwoosh puts it in the best way:

“Opt-in rate is one of the most important marketing metrics. It represents the percentage of users, who interact with your product and subscribe to receive push notifications or emails”.

Push notifications have an impressive opt-in rate of 60-70 % on average. Web Push Notifications alone have an impressive Opt-in rate of almost 90%.

Email opt-in rate, by the way, is only 5% on the average.

This 12x difference is pretty inevitable.

The beauty lies in its simplicity:

For email, you have to ask for some personal information, while for push notifications, you only ask for a click.

The updates are only a click away

  • Click rate

There’s no practical open rate for push notifs, you just send the users a link to click on and they do (quite more than often).

As per MailChimp, the average email click rate is 2.62%. Whereas in contrast, push notifications deliver 15-30% click rate on average.

It’s just gonna get better now.

Push notifications beat email by 10x better average click rate

  • Response time

With push notifications, you won’t only get higher responses but also have a shorter response time on an average.
According to Pushwoosh, about 30% of push subscribers interact with messages immediately. For emails, the average response time is around 6.5 hours.

But why is a higher opt-in rate or a shorter response time better for you? Because in case of any sale or any short span campaign, you want to get results faster than your competitor does. And that is where push is really going to be your buddy.

Boost your sales with these 3 PushFlew push campaigns

We recently released 3 brand new push notification campaigns you can start using today in PushFlew:

  • Pre-ask Push campaign
  • Welcome Push campaign
  • Drip Push campaign

Why these three?

We test the shit out of our stores & campaigns night and day, and when we tested push notifications, these 3 campaigns brought us the most sales.

That’s exactly why we’re giving it to you.

(To make you believe in me more, I recommend you login to your pushflew dashboard and start testing the secrets I’m about to reveal to you.)

Let’s see how these 3 campaigns will make you a ton of money:

1. Pre-ask Push

So before your browser pops-up its boring and repulsive message for push notifications, we give you a chance to make that first impression better.

Which one of the following two are you more likely to allow? Choose for yourself!

The second one certainly would have seemed more genuine and appealing to you, just like it did to me.

So, don’t forget to customize your pre-ask message.

(P.s. While designing your message, just ask yourself whether you as a user would allow it or block it. Yes, that’s the trick!)

2. Welcome Push

Once the user allows you to send notifications, your journey to higher opt-ins has already begun.

Now it’s time to show some courtesy to them.

Designing a welcome message can be a bit tricky. You could:-

  • Send a simple ‘Thank you for subscribing’
  • Or a ‘Welcome to’
  • Or my personal favorite ‘We’re glad you joined us. Here’s a 10% discount voucher for you’ followed with the link where it can be used

Here are a few samples I picked for you-

Now, why did I pick the last one?

Mainly because of my experience which shows an opt-in rate of 12-15% and overall conversions around 7-10% with this campaign.

But if giving discounts right away is not your thing, no problem. Just be sure to make your users feel nice about subscribing to you.

3. Drip Push

You’ve already won half the battle now. This last campaign will ensure that you keep winning.
This isn’t just a normal drip campaign, it’s a segmented one.

It is pretty similar to your email campaign, but you can segment your user list on the basis of parameters like location, device and interests. Next, create messages that appear more personalized to each of those lists.

Just schedule them now and we’ll take care of the rest. You don’t even have to worry about shooting them out at the right time.

Here’s how Drip Push looks in action.

Now you must be thinking, if it’s like email then why not email?

Here’s why:

Usually, there is an 11-12% click rate after sending a Drip Push to my subscribers. Can you recall the last time your email campaign got you a 12% click rate? Did that even happen ever?

That’s exactly why I use Drip Push, and you should too.

Starting your first Drip Push is a piece of cake. Let’s get you started-

  • Click on Campaign-Push Notification-Drip Campaign Tab
  • Click on Create a new campaign
  • Name your campaign, select your audience and save it
  • Click on push notifications and design your personalized message
  • Select the time after which you want the user to see the notification(drip campaign will automatically get started)

Voila! You can sleep peacefully now.

Let’s have a look at how some of the experts are nailing it with push:

It’s internet’s top content site. Anything you’ve missed recently, they’ll help you catch up. You might feel lazy to enter your email id for their newsletter but their push messages are sure to grab your attention.

Looking for a discount in India? Just allow their push and you’ll never miss any more discounts, be it on clothes, holiday trips, hardware and what not.

A unique but well thought-out site, bringing you updates about current economic climate as well as their expert opinion. Their notifs really get my eyes rolling! Thanks to the affiliates.

It’s a weather app that sends you personalized weather updates. And take my word, they really put their messages.

It’s wonderful to see how news apps are making such good use of Push. A breakthrough for those boring news feeds.

This liquor delivery start-up has made the best use of the urgency that push creates by coupling it with the current events.

Still stuck on boring shipping messages? Learn from Amazon how to spice it up and make sure that your customers get a smile on their face.

  • QuizUp

Got a dull customer base? Look how QuizUp, a gaming portal is making re-engaging with your customers so exciting with push notifications.

Sign up for a free trial of PushFlew!