British Martial Arts Mats’ Website Revamp from WooCommerce to Shopify


Sporting Goods Manufacturing


UX Design, CMS Migration, Management, Ecommerce Development, Ecommerce Migration


British Martial Arts Mats, a leading provider of martial arts and sports flooring, sought to revamp its online presence by migrating its website from WooCommerce to Shopify and designing a new, multi-region, and multi-currency platform.


The company hired EbizON to accomplish specific goals, including migrating its website, designing a new site, and making it multi-region and multi-currency.


EbizON was selected through an online search, and the company was impressed by the value for cost offered by EbizON. A single employee from EbizON was assigned to the project, and the scope of work included migrating WooCommerce data to Shopify and creating Figma diagrams for the new design.

Facing a Challenge?

Results & Feedback

The project has made significant progress, with Phase 1 completed. The client has received a view of the migrated data and Figma diagrams, which demonstrate the success of the project. EbizON’s project management has been impressive, with timely responses to the client’s needs. The primary form of communication was virtual meetings, email, and messaging apps.

Project Management

EbizON delivered items on time, and the client was pleased with the company’s responsiveness to its needs.


The client found EbizON’s communication to be effective, with regular updates and clear explanations of the project’s progress.

Unique Selling Point

The client was impressed by EbizON’s large pool of IT resources across a wide range of skills, which made the company a valuable partner for the project.

Area for Improvement

As the project is not yet complete, the client is waiting to see the final results before providing feedback on areas for improvement.


British Martial Arts Mats is pleased with the progress made by EbizON on its website migration and design project. The company’s responsiveness, communication, and IT resources have been impressive, and the client looks forward to seeing the final results.

Client’s Feedback

We’ve been impressed with EbizON’s IT services. Their team has a diverse pool of professionals with a broad range of skills, which has been a huge asset for our business. But what really sets them apart is their prompt, communicative, and knowledgeable approach. We’ve received top-notch support from them, and we’re grateful for their partnership.

Glenn Chegwidden 
Director, British Martial Arts Mats

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