Best Angular Application Examples For Inspiration

15 Best Angular Application Examples For Inspiration

Editor’s note: Angular is the platform that makes it easy to develop robust web applications. It unites the declarative templates, dependency injection, the end to end tooling and integrates the top performers to resolve the development challenges of developers. An Angular development company can help you design and develop a responsive application. AngularJS is among … Read more

Best Flutter Headless CMS

7 Best Headless CMS for Flutter

Editor’s note: Traditional CMS architecture was once the standard for web development, but today companies are looking for the increased flexibility and scalability of headless CMS software solutions. Partner with a top Flutter app development company to ensure a seamless and quick software development and deployment cycle. What are Headless CMS Platforms? A headless software … Read more

Flutter App Development - Cost & Pricing

Flutter App Development – Cost & Pricing

Editor’s note: If you’re looking forward to creating apps for your business, Flutter is a great option to consider. Factors like code reusability, customizable user interface, community support, & native app-like experience are among several reasons why Flutter based apps are so popular today. Read this post to learn more about Flutter and the advantages it brings. For more on Flutter app development, contact us, today!

There has been tremendous rise in the mobile app industry over a couple of years.

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How PWA Implementation Helped This Mauritius-based Deals Platform Improve its Mobile Conversion by 40%

The Client offers travel, and leisure deals for locals, and residents in Mauritius. It is the first portal of its kind in the region. MariDeal provides geo-based real-time recommendations on the best deals and offers. Being the No.1 last-minute deals portal in Mauritius, they endeavor to help local businesses grow by connecting them to … Read more

How Progressive Web Apps are Killing Responsive Websites

The digital age has made smartphones, the unanimous choice for internet browsing, primarily for its on-the-go accessibility and ease-of-use. Where the websites lacked, apps were created to provide richer experiences to the users. And ever since then, the need to satisfy the dynamic user expectations online, continued to grow.

Progressive Website App or PWA was initially proposed by Google in 2015, with an idea to provide a native like experience to the users visiting a website.

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