Hardcat: How We Increased Website Traffic And Contact Form Conversions For A Software Company


Financial services


UX Design, CMS Migration, Automation Testing, Management, Website Development, Ecommerce Development


Hardcat, a specialist software suite, hired EbizON to optimize its website for search engines and drive organic traffic to increase contact form conversions.


Hardcat’s website was not optimized for search engines, resulting in low organic traffic and a lack of conversions. The company needed a solution to improve its online visibility and attract more leads.


Hardcat selected EbizON based on a referral and a pricing fit within its budget. EbizON assigned 2-5 employees to the project, who managed the SEO services for Hardcat’s website.

Scope of Work

The scope of work included driving organic traffic to the website and increasing contact form conversions. EbizON delivered the following key deliverables:

  • SEO optimization of the website
  • Keyword research and implementation
  • On-page optimization
  • Technical SEO optimization
  • Monthly reporting and analysis

Facing a Challenge?

Results & Feedback

The project is still in its early stages, but there has been an increase in traffic to the website since starting. EbizON has managed the project effectively, with prompt communication and delivery of items on time.

Project Management

EbizON’s project management has been impressive, with regular virtual meetings and email updates. The team has been responsive to Hardcat’s needs and has delivered results as promised.


The primary form of communication with EbizON has been virtual meetings and email updates. Hardcat has found EbizON’s communication to be effective and efficient.

Unique Selling Point

EbizON’s understanding of SEO, keywords, and WordPress has been impressive. The team has demonstrated a deep understanding of the latest SEO best practices and has implemented effective strategies to improve Hardcat’s online visibility.

Area for Improvement

At this stage, there are no areas for improvement. EbizON has delivered results as promised, and Hardcat is satisfied with the project’s progress.


The SEO optimization project with EbizON has been a success, with an increase in traffic to the website and improved online visibility. EbizON’s project management, communication, and expertise in SEO have been impressive, and Hardcat is looking forward to continued success with the project.

Client’s Feedback

“Hardcat is a software development company who launched a new website in 2024 and required a company to assist with on page SEO optimisation. Ebizon assisted in setting up SEO optimisation to help us drive organic traffic to the website. Ebizon has very good communication with us and are very knowledgeable.”

Caroline Moran
Marketing Manager, Hardcat

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